Marcus Goldman to Jane Addams, March 21, 1915


N York March 21[st] 1915.

Miss Jane [Addams]
Chicago Ills.

Dear Lady

Todays Sunday Times has the following telegram from your City

Women issue Peace Call Plan an International Conference to be held at The Hague

As you dear Madam may perhaps know something about this Conference which is to be a Protest against this cruel and uncalled for War and the Slaughter of millions of human [Beings], besides the murder of innocent Noncombatants Women and Children by using such [barbarous] methods as [Aero] Planes and Zeppelins with bombs & Shells, I dear lady and thousands of others are with you in this proposed Conference and trust there will be no delay in the matter. This cruel unnatural War [page 2] must stop and will only stop by and through the Efforts our noble Women who are in this having heart and Soul.

Since this present dirty War began I have written quite a Number of letters some to Newspapers in England one or two to the [Chancellor] of Germany roasting the Life out of him and others to the different Governments. Though I have received no Reply from any [illegible], I am confident they have been read. I may perhaps send you a Copy of one or two of the letters the last of this Week if you care to read them.

I also wrote one letter to Japanese Minister at Washington [page 3] and one letter to the Japanese Government which I think have fruit.

I wrote them that I was more than surprised that they also [had] to go to War and join the dirty Allies. I told them that this Country and perhaps all Countries admired their Pluck in licking the Russians in short order a few years ago only and now to join the Allies of which Russia is one of them, what could be their Object, the Resulting of that Struggle was finally arbitrated as you remember in this Country and Japan accomplished little. So I told them remain Neutral Keep out of this War, but improve yourself commercially come here and buy our Cotton and let your Workers be employed [page 4] Raise plenty of Rice and other Crops which your Neighbors so badly need. I complimented them of [being] [earnest] and frugal and a people easy to comprehend. So while I got no Reply, they are at present keeping out of War.

At any rate let there be no Neglect in this Matter on the Part of the good ladies of Chicago with you as a Leader. The Women here will all join you in this Movement, but please stir thing up, will gladly help the Cause along.


[M.] Goldman
315 Central Park West
N York City

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