Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence to Jane Addams, March 10, 1915


March Tenth
Miss Jane Addams,
Hotel Belmont, 42nd Street,
New York City.

Dear Miss Addams:

I have been talking to a great number of women since the announcement of the Queen of Holland's invitation to a Woman's Peace Conference at The Hague at the end of April.

I am sure you will be thankful to know how everyone is of one opinion in calling it the greatest, most unparalleled opportunity that has ever yet fallen to the lot of women in the world. It seems as if the cry "Come over and help us" must be answered in the very broadest, unlimited way and many hundreds, if not thousands of American women go over, in the most spectacular way compatible with neutrality, to support and encourage the suffering appealing women of Europe in their demands for instant Peace.

As so ably stated in the Wisconsin Plan the good opinion of America is constantly being sought by the warring nations and if we can only devise some quiet plan by which, what is being done can be printed in the different languages and distributed simultaneously in all the countries, so as to avoid confiscation, I believe that the union of the women of the world and the prayers <peoples,> can stop the war in <the> shortest time.

I hope nothing will prevent my going, and I shall be anxious and pleased to do anything in my power to help the Woman's Peace Party in any capacity.

My editor, Mrs. L. H. Johnson, wishes me to ask you, if you will kindly consider the making our Woman's Paper an official organ. I believe Mrs. L. A. Mead is very [page 2] enthusiastic about it. We are ready to change the name, and I am giving all my time before going to Holland to getting the support of Chicago women and clubs, so that there need be no limit to its further enlargement.

Trusting we may rise to the great occasion before us in the most universal way possible,

Yours sincerely,

Emmeline Lawrence. [signed]
Peace Editor, North Shore Review.
Evanston. Ill.

<I believe Mrs L. A. Mead has gone over the matter of the Paper thoroughly with the Editor, Mrs L. H. Johnson, so I need not go into more details about it now.>