Lizzie W. Hodges to Jane Addams, March 9, 1915

Hotel Touraine

Dear Miss Addams

I thought you might like to use the enclosed copy of part of a letter received from the Paris office of an American company. I should like to send it to Mrs. [Lawrence] but do not know her address after the tenth of March. I trust that you are not over doing during your Eastern trip and [page 2] that it might be my good fortune to meet you and Mrs. Bowen in New York later.

I enjoyed meeting Mrs. Thomas so much in Detroit. We found that we had mutual friends and mutual interests. Her address was wonderfully fine and I only wish that more could have heard her. It was a dreadfully stormy night. Mr. Hodges and I arrived here [today] to spend a day with our boys. Mr. Hodges has been ill with [tonsillitis] so we are going to Atlantic City [page 3] for a weeks change.

With love to you and to Mrs. Bowen when you see her.

Most Sincerely

Lizzie W. Hodges

March 9th 1915
Boston. Mass.