Rosika Schwimmer to Jane Addams, August 17, 1914


17th August 1914.

Dear Miss Addams:

I leave this hell, called Europe on the 25th Aug. when I sail from Liverpool on the "Arabic" White Star Line and shall probably arrive on the 2nd or 3rd. September in Boston from where I shall proceed immediately to New York.

I go to see President Wilson and Mr Bryan on a peace-mission. I would like to communicate with you in this matter and beg you therefore to write me c/o. Mrs. Chapman-Catt, 2 West 86 Str. New York, telling me at what address any communication will reach you quickest? I looked always forward to come over to your States but I never dreamt that I will have to go under such terrible circumstances, for we so called Alien Enemies are living here like gently treated prisoners of war.

Looking forward to meet you,

very cordially yours,

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