Jane Addams to Anna J. H. Pennybacker, December 23, 1914


December 23, 1914.

Dear Mrs. Pennybacker:-

I am enclosing copy of a letter which I wrote a few days ago to Mrs. Catt. It will show you the connection I seem to have with the proposed Women's Peace Meeting to be called in Washington January tenth. It has come about so gradually that almost before we knew it we were in for the meeting. I hope very much that you can come and that you will notify the head of your Peace Committee. I am sure that on the whole it will be a good thing to have this meeting if the representative women can come.

If there are any suggestions you could give in regard to stirring up a representation from the National Federation I should be very grateful for any letters you would write.

Will you send your acceptance to Mrs. John Jay White, 2306 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D.C., who will inform you as to headquarters, etc.

With all good wishes for the New Year, I am,

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

P.S. This first meeting has been called very hastily but we hope for a later and more formal one. We have also written to Mrs [Cowles] Ch. of your Peace Com.