Robert Underwood Johnson to Jane Addams, October 25, 1912

October 25, 1912
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

I thank you very much for your interesting letter of the 19th.

I wish you would file my letter and consider my suggestion one of the things to be carried out by you when you get some relief from your work, though I know that is most pressing and continuous.

In regard to my editorial, I made one mistake, i.e., in saying "benevolence" where I meant philanthropy. Settlement work strikes me as being philanthropy rather than benevolence. I think, however, that I am right in my feeling regarding the danger to this sort of work, and I believe you could get everything you want by nonpartisan action, just as Miss Louisa Lee Schuyler did in New York when she reformed the scandalous condition of our hospitals and prisons through the State Charities aid.

I shall be very glad to have you write two pages -- say fourteen hundred words -- in regard to this matter, and I shall be glad to have it just as soon as you can [page 2] give it to us, so that I may use it in the January number which we are now making up. In the November number you will see a letter of that length from Mrs. Fawcett concerning the violence of the militant suffragists in England.

Sincerely yours,

R. U. Johnson [signed]