George Platt Brett Sr. to Jane Addams, October 23, 1912


October 23/1912

Dear Miss Addams,

I have noted with a good deal of interest, and admiration even, if I may say so, the effectiveness of the work which you are doing for the good cause.

It has occurred to me that while the success of the Progressives is problematical, at any rate not at all certain this year, that, given sufficient publicity, there can be no doubt of the growth of the ideas of the Progressive Party so that success will be certain in 1916.

It seems to me that you might, if you chose, aid very much in this success if you felt able, and willing, to write a little book which should give in short chapters, i.e., one devoted to each subject, an account of the chief ills of our present civilization, especially as they affect women and children, -- child labor, the idea represented in the Spirit of Youth and the idea represented in The New Conscience being the sort of thing which I mean. Adding, however, to each of these chapters, or perhaps to a final concluding chapter or chapters of the book some account of the ways in which women might aid in removing these ills from our daily life.

A long book on the subject is not necessary. What I [page 2] think is wanted is a short, plain statement giving each subject a separate chapter, and preferably adding to that chapter an account of the ways in which women, by vote or otherwise, could aid in removing these blemishes.

I know that you have not time just at the moment to consider the matter, but pray bear it in mind and let me hear from you at some time when a leisure moment gives you opportunity for a reply.

Yours very truly,

George P. Brett [signed]

Miss Jane Addams.

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