Henrietta Octavia Rowland Barnett to Jane Addams, October 12, 1913



Dear Miss Addams

I saw one of the publishers yesterday who is wishing to issue works by Canon Barnett, or by me on him. He told me that I had been wrong to send the article to the "Survey" without arranging about the copyright, & he advised me to write at once to [page 2] my chief friend in America to say that the article [shall] be made copy-right, & that he wld undertake to do here what was necessary [with] it if the Editor of the Survey wld communicate at one with him --

I send you the Westminster [Gazette] of last night, & never a week goes by without notices of the Canon -- Hence I fear the [page 3] "Survey" article will be snapped up here by newspapers, who will abstract the picturesque portions, or leave <out> the kernel of his words & thoughts -- whereas if it is [copyrighted] I learn that cannot be done --

I have not quite understood the "Survey" printing that it has 200 or so, subscribers. I understood from Mr Kellogg that it has [20,000] -- Which is it?

My love to you ever dear -- my "chief friend" --

Henrietta O Barnett

I also learn that in the event of the article being [copyrighted] it cld be sold -- If so the money cld support the Convalescent House here [where] he ever served.

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