Albion W. Small to Jane Addams, ca. 1913

The University of Chicago
The Graduate School of Arts and Literature
Saturday Morning

My dear Miss Addams -–

The loss of Vincent presents to our dept. of Sociology a problem with many unknown quantities. We are trying to think through all the possibilities. One of the alternatives is to try to find a man who would develop his work along lines of social psychology. Another is to shift our emphasis more in the direction of social service.

I am writing entirely on my own responsibility, and without assurances that any specific recommendation which I might make would be adopted by our Trustees. I am wondering however whether you could consider a professorship which would call for one half the work at the University which a professor would ordinarily give, i. e. four class room hours a week for nine months in the year (Oct. - June).

The work would be with graduate students limited to classes of thirty (30). It would mean not merely lecturing, but training and supervision of the individual work to the extent of keeping tab whether real work was being done by each individual. A graduate student -- (fellow) -- could probably be assigned as your assistant in reading papers [etc.]

Of course this would be more taxing work than mere lecturing, but it would be incomparably more valuable in the end than admitting a miscellaneous company [page 2] of students merely to hear lectures.

I should feel like a criminal if I asked you to give a moment to this suggestion in case a foregone conclusion stands in the way of a favorable decision. On the other hand, if it is within the range of possible consideration I should want to ask for a conference to include Dr. Henderson. Although even then we should be able merely to formulate a proposition which would go with Dr. H's recommendation and [illegible] to the Trustees.


Albion W. Small

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