Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams, June 24, 1912


My dear Alice

It would be fine to have you and Marcet go to Girard via Lakeside next Monday, [although] I am afraid that I couldn't go with you as I have an appointment Tuesday morning at ten and we could scarcely make it in a day.

I saw Mary Linn yesterday, she still looked very [weak?] & pale it would have been nice if you had gone to see her. Perhaps you will come back later in the summer for [page 2] [more] family visits. If you can't do that, I am sure Laura would escort you to Lakeside <on [Monday],> we can leave [two illegible words] <on an> evening or morning train.

Mary Linn will have to go to Michigan on Friday, the doctor is not willing to have her take any little [journeys], she is awfully disappointed not to go to Cedarville but of course must submit.

We will try it later in the summer.

With love to the entire Household

Always your loving sister

J. A.

June 24″ 1912

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