Jane Addams to Julia Clifford Lathrop, August 7, 1911

JA to JL 8.7.1911_1(1).jpg
JA to JL 8.7.1911_2(1).jpg
JA to JL 8.7.1911_3(1).jpg

Aug 7" 1911

Bar Harbor, Maine.

My dear J. Lathrop

I had just finished reading your interview in the Post when your letter came. I should say that you are doing awfully well and the only advice I could give would be to secure a good lawyer to prepare a defense when the trial comes. Why doesn't Judge Mack and some of the other people appear in interviews. I should think a few men would be an advantage. [page 2]

Mrs Bowen is really enthusiastic over having the J.P.A. provide a lawyer and spend whatever money is necessary. It would certainly be the best bit of juvenile protection we could ever give.

Poor Grace Murphy has been quite miserable ever since she came, all the other H.H. folk are very well and we really have a charming household. I am feeling so well that I am actually getting ashamed of my prolonged stay. My best affections to you, Dear Lady.

Always Yours Jane Addams [page 3]

I have also written a long spiel about the camp to Mr Mills about the camp. I can't tell you the comfort it is that you are in Chicago and at H.H. This [miserable] Juvenile Ct matter was [illegible] like an indefinite threat all last winter. You know Dunne was at Springfield approving all our legislation, some of it very effectively.

Always affec yours J. A.