John Davison Rockefeller, Jr. to Jane Addams, February 14, 1912

26 Broadway
New York

February 14, 1912.

Dear Miss Addams:

I have only within the last few days found time to read your four articles published thus far in McClure's, on the subject of "A New Conscience And An Ancient Evil." May I tell you that I have found these articles both interesting and helpful. You have presented the subject in a comprehensive and thorough manner and yet in such a way as not to give the slightest possible offense to any person, however sensitive. I hope that these articles will be widely read and that they will be published in book form when completed.

One statement in the first article particularly challenged my attention and my belief. I shall be interested to know upon what facts it is based. It is the following:

"For it is generally estimated that at any given moment three-quarters of the girls utilized by the trade are under twenty years of age, and that most of them were procured when even younger."

This is a most astounding statement. I should have said one-quarter. I know, however, that you have had access to much and extensive data on the subject.

In the early part of the third chapter you say that in Chicago the largest Women's Club in the city has established normal courses in sex hygiene attended by both teachers and mothers. I should be very much interested to have any printed data regarding these courses which you may be good enough to send me.

Very sincerely,

John D. Rockefeller Jr. [signed]

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago, Illinois.