Jane Addams to Mary Ryott Sheepshanks, February 16, 1929



My dear Miss Sheepshanks

Your letters have been disturbing of course but perhaps it is just as well to have the situation which recognized at Dublin, brought out into the open. I am most anxious that the Congress should not be postponed [although] it seems important to insist upon Prague if there are special difficulties there.

I am getting better so rapidly here in the desert that if the rate continues until the end of March, I shall be a perfect giant for strength and vitality especially as we are planning not to sail until the first of August. [page 2]

I asked Miss Balch to cable for me when she cabled for herself that I was in favor of both the salaries suggested by you. I should think an executive Com. meeting in Vienna would be valuable and help out Mde Illova -- wherever the meeting is held may I ask you to make quite clear that I cannot be a candidate for the presidency again, the reasons are obvious but please don't try too much to spare me this time for am coming along remarkably well.

Always affectionately yours

Jane Addams.

Feby 16" 1929

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