1 West Mount Vernon Place
Baltimore, March 16, 1911
Miss Jane AddamsHull House, Chicago
My dear Miss Addams,-
A Women's Civic League has just been organized in Baltimore, the purposes of which are to better the conditions of living in this city, particularly from a sanitary point of view. It will deal with such subjects as the collection of garbage and ashes, the milk and water supply, smoke, etc., etc.
I am in charge of a Committee to procure an Executive Secretary to carry out this work in connection with the officers and various Committees of the Society. He or she would be in charge of the offices of the League. We are on a solid financial basis, most of our subscriptions being for five years.
I want to know if there is anyone you could recommend to us in this capacity, either man or woman. The person would require a good deal of energy, ability, enthusiasm and tact in dealing with the city officials etc.
The name of Miss Caroline Hedger of the Health Department of Chicago has been given me as one who might be fitted for the position. Could you give me any information about her?
We are very much in earnest in this movement, and we realize that there will be a great deal of uphill [page 2] work, especially at first, and it is extremely important for us to get exactly the right person for the position.
I remember with great pleasure meeting you several years ago in Dublin, when you were having your portrait painted by Mr. Brush.
Hoping I am not giving you too much trouble,
I am,
Sincerely yours,
Elizabeth P. Jencks [signed]
(Mrs Francis M. Jencks) [signed]