Mary Ann Kingsland Higgs to Jane Addams, April 1, 1925

Bent House
April 1st 1925

Dear Jane Addams

I am known to you by name through dear Dr. Paton whose son Lewis is at present in Canada.

You have sometimes sent me kind messages.

I am urged by God this [morning] to tell you how He is working in Gt Britain.

Chamberlain has not got the people & Parliament behind him in his action about the Protocol.

We were never consulted, it was all hushed up & kept out of the election.

Even now it is only slowly but the perception of the great step forward that the protocol meant is perceived, & that the L of N Union has denied to come forward for it. My dear friend F. Herbert Stead, brother of W. T. Stead (also my friend) has just been on a crusade in the Highlands for the Protocol, & it was like a triumphant procession -- greetings all enthusiastic. He is to go again first week in May to East Scotland. Many of us are praying for him. We hope he will send a return wave South to England.

We want an American wave to reinforce us.

Peace, security, disarmament.

I am writing the life of Mrs Jennie Wareing of Rochdale [page 2] who was Mr W. T. Steads comrade, his prayer comrade in all his Peace Crusade.

I am hoping it may do much among young people for international comradeship.

I reach out to you with both hands, believing that in the unseen world multitudes are praying, & that in the cause of world peace we have the reinforcements of the Lord of Hosts.

Yours in His service

Mary Higgs

Author of "Glimpse not the Abyss" [etc. etc.]