Jane Addams to Hannah Clothier Hull, April 10, 1925


April 10" 1923

My dear Mrs Hull

Another letter from Dorothy Evans says that she has taken a new position & cannot come to the U.S.A., I am really much relieved.

We mustn't allow Mde Ramondt to bring this young girl -- "the devastated area" has been exhibited in "movies" [etc.] until it is [page 2] already overdone.

I cannot think of the annual meeting without you. I do hope you will be quite recovered by then but if not we will have to postpone it a month.

Mary Smith and I are staying here for a week or ten days. She is visiting her brother's family and I am trying to get rid of a germ which I [page 3] acquired in Mexico in my throat. It is not serious but very persistent and the doctor advises this "clean air" versus Chicago. I will be back the 23d of April at the latest. There are three or four international things I want to discuss at the annual meeting. I hope [Madeleine] Doty is coming. Of course you must be my guest at Hull-House. [page 4]

I had such a nice letter from Martha Speakman this morning. It is of course information to attend the wedding [although] the thought of the cherry tree makes me quite homesick.

Mexico was a most interesting experience, we have a good little section there of the W.I.L.

With cordial greetings to Mr Hull, I am always affectionately yours Jane Addams

[written at top of page 1] P.S. I am staying in bed to please the doctor, [excuse?] the pencil.