Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, December 12, 1910


En Route Cedarville to Chicago


Your letter came just as I was leaving Chicago or rather the dentist's office where I had parted with one more tooth, root & all this time neatly pulled at the end of the sitting. I am about toothless now, four out in one place ↑two in another and still↓ [two] in another [so] near the front that honest Cedarvillians exclaim "why you are losing all your teeth ain't you?" I have had an awfully tough time with them and postponed going to see my brother day after day. He isn't as well now as when I saw him in Oct & he is very much discouraged. He had hoped that getting home would free him of his aural delusions instead of which they have been worse of late than usual. [page 2] He keeps his control but is under great mental stress and is anxious to get back to the hospital. He is making a great effort to stay at home until after Xmas but I almost doubt the wisdom of it. I had a long talk with him on Sunday afternoon [although] he fairly wrung my heart. Laura is really wonderful with him.

I feel reproached, Dear, for not going to see your father but I have really not gone out of the house save when I had to for a speaking engagement [& then] at the [illegible]. Grace Abbott represents me for the League of [Imm?]. G. Taylor for the School of Civics meetings [etc]. As soon as my new [page 3] teeth are in I hope to do my usual affairs -- but I will confess that I have shirked everything since Thanksgiving week. My head is none too good at this minute [although] I quite skillfully avoided [horses]. I have much the same sense of a bursting head that I have with a "dry" attack of horse asthma. I have a hope that if Dr Knowles ever gets my head drained out -- and he still seems to get [pus] every time he probes any where -- that my horse affliction will be better. I will see to the books at once. I have ordered a set of Chas Booth for the Lady, it is full of the [page 4] sort of information she uses all the time.

H.H is quite teeming with plans for next year. I am awfully eager to talk them over with you -- especially a dramatic plan. Do write me the exact date of your arrival, Eleanor [bewilders] me a little in her statements of change.

Always Dear One, your J. A

P.S. The nicest letter I have had about the book was from Mr Woods.