Eugenie Miskolczy-Meller to Jane Addams, June 7, 1924


Montreal, 7 June 1924.

Dearest Madam President,

I am at a loss to find words for the sentiment of my deepest gratitude for the wonderful chance of my life my dear American comrades gave me, for the to be able to come to America, for the many thousands of deeds of love, kindness, comradeship they gave me, for the generous hospitality [page 2] I found everywhere.

I feel it as a [debt] of my life and I am hopeless to ever being able to return it. Accept, as the worthy representative of American women my warmest thanks for all and for everything. But it is to you, especially, I feel I owe most and can assure you, to be your loyal follower and admirer [page 3] of everything you accomplished with your noble example you gave to your compatriots.

Please, give my greetings to especially those comrades living in the wonderful Hull-House, Mrs. [Lovett], Dr. Hamilton and others.

Yours very lovingly

Eugenie Miskolczy-Meller

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