Henrietta Octavia Rowland Barnett to Jane Addams, September 13, 1924


Sept 13th 1924

Dear Dear DEAR --

Your sweet letter telling that you were glad the King had [honored] me was welcome. I think a title is helpful in this land if not in yours, & that & the Queen's visit to the Institute has helped on our Centre of Education. [page 2]

I will send you the Report & Winter Plans so that if you have time to glance over them you will see we are progressing.

I have had many overseas visitors this summer, & they are all enthusiastic over the Garden Suburb, & so very polite to your friend!

The [Veillers] came -- they need poverty -- Mr Baker's son -- nice boy -- Miss French stayed a while -- Miss & Mr Muller -- & a [page 3] member whose name has not remained with me, but I have spent time & talk, & hope that England & America came closer by the effort. It is good news that your heath has been restored, & your [labors] are unabated -- & to me it is gladdening I have Mr Mallon & Mr Catchpool have come under your influence. They have got a big plan of further [page 4] East extension of Toynbee wh I am glad of.

Old St Judes comes down next month. The Canons tablet is going to Bristol Cathedral. The home of Mr Watts mosaic is not settled yet. We had had thoughts of buying the church as an extension of Toynbee, but the Jews are now the sole occupants of the whole district, & we love them not, & their own people are too rich or too selfish to serve them. [page 5]

You will think I am hard on the rich, but the more I see of them, the wiser I feel that remark of Jesus about "How hardly shall the rich man enter into the Kingdom of Heaven" -- He did not say he shld not enter, only how hard it wld be. A real paternal government wld deprive him of his ↑soul↓ killing wealth.

I often & often think of you & speak of you, & wish you wld [page 6] send me news of your dear self -- I mean the deep you --  & also printed matter or reports, or papers, that will tell of your work -- or your intentions -- Will you? When do you come to England again? Also I often think of your charitable view of Lord Parmoor! I still hold to my contempt of him, justified by Mr [Lakey?] the huge salary from the Labour Party ↑when he is not [illegible] [labor]↓ & the twaddle he first talks & then contradicts in Geneva. [Sending?] fond love

Henrietta O Barnett