Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, December 5, 1924

Dec 5" 1924

Dearest Emily Balch --

How generous you are to send the $300.00. I had quite forgotten the Wayfarers' bill -- "ain’t it fierce" as my neighbors say. I sent off $177.45 to them at once and have drawn a check ↑for $200.↓ to Mde Duchêne which I will send when I hear, if she should not want it, you get at once [$100.00] and I take the $50.00 which I have on hand just now because Macmillan has just now paid me my yearly check. What a satisfaction it is, to know those [bills] are all paid off at last.

It gave me great satisfaction to read your letter to Vilma Glücklich which I sent off at once as well as Dr. Jordans. I do not believe that we need a copy. I do hope that she will be braced for the effort of getting a housekeeper it cannot [illegible] so [far?] away. [page 2]

[Madeleine] Doty is doing half time for the N.Y. Branch, do you suppose she would consider the Nat. & would she do?

Please give my love to Miss Cheever and believe me always devotedly and admiringly yours Jane Addams

P.S. what do you think of the [enclosed] -- is my reply all right?

J. A.