To National Sections and Correspondents.
Geneva, 29th October 1924.
Dear Friends,
A new hope and an imperative duty for all of us have arisen by the unanimous adoption of the "Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes" at the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations: the hope of a universal Conference on the Reduction of Armaments and the duty of working most assiduously all over the world for the creation of the atmosphere needed for securing the success of that Conference.
↑I.↓ To this end, we must continue with great energy to make propaganda for disarmament which has always been at the center of our work and to which we gave an entire week in 1921, before the Washington Conference. Total disarmament -- for which we have always stood -- will continue to be our final aim. Although the Protocol does not go so far, we must appreciate the great step done toward it by the representatives of so many governments when they put reduction of armaments on the [program] of practical politics, taking it out of the range of merely theoretical questions. This obliges us to do all that we possibly can
1) to help to obtain the ratification of the Protocol by three big powers and ten other nations, this being the condition to be fulfilled if the Conference is to be called;
2) to do all we can toward inducing all the nations to take part in the Conference and to persuade each government to send men and women of a really international spirit as their delegates. (We all know very well how impossible it was for The Hague Conferences before the War to accomplish anything, because most of the countries were represented by men of the army and navy. On the other side, everybody [realized] at the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations, how much more it could accomplish than the Fourth Assembly, chiefly on account of the change in the personnel of the British and the French delegates).
Armistice Day would be an excellent date to start an efficient Disarmament propaganda. I am sending you under separate cover some English, French and German Press material which may be a source of suggestions for meetings on Armistice Day and for the Disarmament campaign in general. Would you find it useful to issue a leaflet on Disarmament here, like that issued in 1921 (in French at Geneva and in German by the German Section)? We could publish Romain Rolland's letter once more and perhaps get some other prominent people to write for it in one of our official languages; or do you think it preferable to issue special pamphlets in each country? [page 2]
It has been suggested that we invite Marcelle Capy -- whose speeches get such a splendid response everywhere -- to make a speaking tour all over Europe. If sections could arrange so as to waste the least possible time and fatigue in [traveling], and if each section could provide for the cost of [traveling] from the [neighboring] country and for a comfortable stay not injuring her rather delicate health, the Geneva office would be glad to fix the consecutive dates and exact connections.
I have suggested that the members of the International Executive Committee draft resolutions which could be used in all the meetings for disarmament; I shall circulate the drafts and shall be glad to receive some from the sections and corresponding countries as well, so that a majority vote could be taken through correspondence, choosing one of them for general use.
II. May I remind you that I need all the material for our [Half-yearly] Report (for which I have asked you repeatedly) before the end of November, especially that concerning your demonstrations on the No More War or Anti-War-Day, the work done in continuation of the Washington Congress and on the Armistice Day. I shall have to prepare it to be printed in time; additions about the work in December might be added somewhat later.
III. Carrying out our Congress resolution concerning the [organization] of a World Section, I have sent out a circular letter to men and women interested in our work, but not engaged in that of any National Section. Should there be in your country people whom you cannot [organize] within your sections but who are devoted to our ideas, will you kindly send me their addresses.
IV. Please find enclosed a query on behalf of the Executive of the British Section; as the Cahiers Commission also needs the same material for the second part of the Cahier, of the edition of which they have taken charge at Washington, you would oblige me very much by sending me two copies of your answers.
I am looking forward very much to receiving from you
ad. I) suggestions for the Disarmament propaganda and your opinion about the speaking tour of Marcelle Capy;
ad. II) the material for our Half-Yearly Report;
ad. III) addresses of people whom you think suitable to be invited to join the new World Section;
ad. IV) two copies of your answers to the query of the British Section.
In faithful comradeship
yours very sincerely