Amy Woods to Jane Addams, October 4, 1923


October 4th, 1923

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, 800 South Halsted Street,
Chicago, Illinois

Dear Miss Addams:

I am planning to reach Chicago Thursday, November 1st, in order to plan with Miss Boynton about work in Illinois this year and especially to talk with you, if I may, both about National and International affairs. I will hold my time open to your convenience.

We are all delighted that we can have the Board meeting at Hull House. I have written Miss Balch and Mrs. Lewis about staying there. I very much hope that Miss Balch can come. She seemed better when I saw her in August, but tires as soon as she attempts to think about world conditions.

The International Executive Committee sends word they would like to hold the convention next summer in the United States. London wants it if it does not come here. If you have any suggestions on this to go to the Executive Committee that meets at Mrs. Henry G. Leach's, 170 East 64th Street, New York City, on October 8th, please send them to me there.

I am hoping very much that you will be able to help us with a W.I.L. plan to be submitted to the American Peace Award Committee. If we do not get the prize, which of course, we each consider an inalienable right, it will give us a splendid program to rally our forces and to help get at least a minimum of action by Congress.


National Secretary