Rosika Schwimmer to Jane Addams, September 29, 1923


September 29. 1923.

My dear Miss Addams,

Welcoming you home and hoping that you have entirely recovered I wish to put the following request to you.

Betzy Kjelsberg of Kristiania is justly worried about the difficulties [under] which her daughter Bess is studying here dentistry. The young girl works in at Montgomery Ward's to earn her living and goes to evening classes for her studies. She lives in a very inadequate home, not well kept, and above all very far from all the places she has to frequent.

Bess is a charming, highly cultured girl, speaking and writing besides all the Scandinavian languages Italian, German, French and English. She has [all] the accomplishments of a high class Scandinavian girl. Mrs. Kjelsberg as well, as Bess herself would be very happy if Hull House could [accommodate] her. I wrote in this matter to Miss Lathrop in your absence, but the vacancies were already filled and Miss Lathrop thought that after your return you might be able to arrange for her being taken into Hull House.

Miss Kjelsberg would be very glad to do some work for Hull House besides paying for her board.

I am sure, Miss Addams, you have as much regard for that splendid woman, Mrs. Kjelsberg, as all social workers and feminists must have. I trust therefore that if there is any possibility, you will make arrange for Miss Kjelsbergs joining Hull House.

Sincerely yours

Kindly return the enclosed letter of Mrs. Kjelsberg.