Jane Neill Scott to Jane Addams, August 21, 1923


Dear Miss Addams --

I’d like to be "among those present" to wish you bon voyage when you sail, but I at least want to send my good wishes for your journey to you all. I hope you will have a good trip and that the sea will be very kind to you.

It is hard for me to say without seeming fulsome what a privilege we feel it has been to have been of some small service to you. I [page 2] only wish that we could have done it better! It meant a very great deal to us that you should have turned to us in a strange land when you needed help.

Please give my most cordial greetings to Miss Smith and Dr. Hamilton. I have been so glad for the acquaintance with Miss Smith and for the little glimpse of Dr. Hamilton. I hope to see them both when I am in Chicago, on my return home.

Unless too many people are away from town, you will probably have a real Japanese "send-off" in lieu of the welcome which they [page 3] had to dispense with. There will be many solemn frock coats and amazing bouquets and probably speeches, if occasion offers, with much loud in-drawing of breath, the final touch in politeness! They are so bursting to express the esteem and honor in which they hold you, and they are so dear and funny in their way of doing it.

Once again, a good journey to you all.

With warmest regard,

Jane N. Scott
