Fokeltje Brunner-Brouwer and A. Deekman-Bom to Jane Addams, August 2, 1923

The Hague August 2nd 1923.
[Sranlinchstraat?] 126

Miss Jane Addams
Pres of the Int. Wom. Assoc.

Dear Miss Addams,

Enclosed we have the pleasure to send you the [manifestos] directed to European and North American Governments and to the members of the League of Nations by several [illegible] associations.

As you will see we intend to [mobilize] public opinion in the whole world as much as possible for the idea of peace and justice.

We should be obliged if you could help us to make American newspapers and perhaps magazines insert these [manifestos].

We thank you for your trouble and remain

Yours sincerely

The Committee "Vrouwen wat doet gij?"
(Women what are you doing)
F. Brunner-Brouwer
A. Deekman-Bom [Treas]
and vice Secrety

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