Jane Addams to Clara Landsberg, August 7, 1920


My dear Clara

How fine it is that the old Quakers grew definite at last and that you are actually going. I quite envy you the opportunity. May I send you the addresses of some of our women, Alice has doubtless told you about them.

I can't bear to think of H. H. next winter without either Alice or yourself. I shall feel actually homeless in my own spot [upstairs] and shall go to bed as forlorn as they make them.

The Ex. Com. of our International accepted an invitation from the Vienna women to hold our next Congress there [page 2] provided no new difficulties intervened, so perhaps I shall you next in Vienna.

Perhaps you can see Marcet in New York where she plans to be late in August. I am writing her about your dates.

I am going to write again but am getting this off in my best Corona style to convey my affectionate congratulations.

With love to each member of your household, I am always devotedly yours

Jane Addams [signed]

August 7th 1920