Jane Addams to Paul Underwood Kellogg, June 17, 1922

June 17th

My dear Mr. Kellogg:

I have not been able to get hold of Mr. Douglas; he is evidently out of town. I have talked to one or two people about the article and they all agreed that if we could get some old labor man like Luke Grant we could go into Senator Dailey’s material firsthand, we might have an article worth while.

I think Mr. Yarros would do it better than Professor Douglas as he is more familiar with the Chicago situation. But if you like, I will postpone the matter until I can get hold of Mr. Douglas. I have said nothing to Mr. Yarros about it. He is leaving for Europe June 24th for two months and I imagine could do nothing now.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mr. Paul U. Kellogg.