Emily Greene Balch to Yella Fuchs Hertzka, December 23, 1920


December 23, 1920.

Dear Frau Hertzka,

I have just received a letter from Mrs. Swanwick written Dec. 20 saying that Miss Courtney has written to her, I suppose after consultation with you proposing Congress in Vienna July 10-18

Meetings of Committee etc. 19-23

Summer School to follow.

Mrs. Swanwick says that she now thinks we should agree to hold the Congress in Vienna at the earlier date but that the Summer School [illegible] Committee agreed that the School should be August 1-15 for the sake of trying to get young teachers etc. who could not come earlier. She therefore thinks the only thing to do is, settling this, to leave people to choose (as must happen in some cases) between the Congress and the School.

Miss Royds writes: "I have this morning had such a cheering budget from Salzburg. First, an official invitation from the Governor, whom I saw when I was there, inviting the School and saying that his letter covers all necessary permissions for the journey in and the stay in Salzburg for all its members and offering it his patronage. Second, a letter from Miss Lammasch really giving us permission to use her name on the Committee, though she is still afraid it may not be much use as she may not be there, and third, a letter from a Miss or Mrs. [Molicz] saying she is now helping Mrs. Zweig Winternitz as Secretary; telling of the opening of a Library by the Salzburg Branch, and of the prospects of getting an important Divisional School Inspector to give us hearty support."

I Therefore will ratify this plan unless on considering my last letter you have decided on a Congress in Salzburg. Otherwise let us proceed to plan on the following basis:

Congress 11-16 inclusive of both dates. You will [remember] that we voted to have the Congress occupy the "inside of a week". The Summer School will then follow after an interval at Salzburg August 1-15. This will make it a rather distinct undertaking. I regret that we cannot have the two events make a continuous whole but we cannot change the conditions of weather and Vienna customs and of school calendars which must shape our plans.

I am sending copies of this letter to Mrs. Swanwick, Frl. Heymann and Miss Addams and Miss Royds,

Yours affectionately,