Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Emily Greene Balch, March 23, 1920 (fragment)


From a letter from Mrs. Karsten, March 23, 1920.

There is a matter I am very anxious to take up with you. The letter which you saw in La Voix des Femmes, is from a local New York Group which calls itself the Women's International League of Greater New York. The New York situation is very complicated and perhaps you, although so far away, will still understand it better than I do. It seems the old Branch of the W.P.P. of which Miss Eastman was Chairman, went to pieces, simply ceased to exist, although the National received no word of it this.

Then came a group calling itself the Women's International League of Greater New York, of which Miss Juliet Poyntz was chairman, Leonora Austin, Vice-Chairman, Gertrude Bordhard, Secretary. This was [organized] and quite active during the summer, although here again the National office heard nothing of it until ↑almost↓ the annual meeting last fall. The letter printed in the Voix was printed and circulated by them. We have tried to have them change their name fearing there would be confusion owing to the fact that they generally use the shorter form, just like ours, The Women's International League, but they did not wish to do so. At present, as I understand it, they have very few members, but I am not well informed about them."