Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, October 28, 1919



October 28th, 1919

My dear Miss Wald:

May I thank you once again for your very generous contributions ↑you collected↓ to the Zurich Congress. It was most successful from every point of view.

I had hoped to send you an Official Report before this but it has been delayed because of printing and paper difficulties. I am therefore writing to let you know that this report is coming and also to tell you that you have been made an international member and will receive the News Sheet from time to time and other publications.

Your generous contribution not only made the Congress possible but helped to establish our International Office at Geneva; we moved there to be near the Secretariat of the League of Nations. Miss Emily Balch is in residence there and the new work is starting off with the greatest enthusiasm.

Thanking you once more for your very great kindness, I am,

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]