Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews to Jane Addams, February 6, 1920

National Council of Women
405 Marlborough St.,
Boston 17, Mass., Feb. 6, 1920.

My dear Miss Addams:

I should have written to you more fully about the meeting on January 23 if I had not thought Mrs. Karsten had doubtless written you directly. We discussed the enclosed plan, after a detailed account had been given by the Chairman of the activities of the women's conference in Paris during the Peace Conference. The Committee was very much pleased with the cablegrams which the Chairman read from Lady Aberdeen, President of the International Council of Women, and also from Mrs. Ogilvie Gordon, Chairman of the British Women's Committee, which is organized for the same purpose as our own.

The Chairman was empowered to appoint a committee of seven to draw up a Draft Convention embodying the ideas contained in the enclosed plan. This should be drawn up in an appropriate form for submission to the Council or Assembly of the League of Nations. This committee is also empowered to draw up a panel of women from which appointments might be made to the various commissions of the Secretariat of the League of Nations.

It was voted that the Committee meeting on January 23 be considered a [page 2] closed meeting and that all the proceedings should be considered as confidential among the members of the Committee. The sentiment was very strong with regard to this.

The next morning of the Committee will be held on February 20, 2:30 P.M., at the Park Avenue Hotel, New York. The Draft Convention, mentioned above, will be discussed at this time. We should be delighted, of course, to have Mrs. Karsten represent you when you are not able to be present, but we hope you can be with us at some of the meetings. I am sending Mrs. Karsten a notice of the meeting on February 20.

Most sincerely yours,

Fannie Fern Andrews [signed]