Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, July 7, 1919


July seventh

Dear Miss Addams,

I am hoping that this will reach you before you [sail] even if you go on the 11th.

At last, today, comes the long waited letter from C. [Macmillan] and I can get off the minutes to the exec. Com. at last.

Fr. Erni has sent in her Congress accounts and returned me an unexpended balance of 208 frs. having rec'd from me frs. 3200 of our Am. funds. The total cost of the Cong. outside of the stenographer (not yet settled with) amounts to [illegible] frs 15759 (say $3152.) I have about 62,000 in hand with outstanding unpaid [illegible] stenog., M. Gobat's salary, Miss [Wössner's] salary, and a few trifling bills. Dr Arnesen has 8000 frs. for us, besides, I think this is not so bad.

I enclose a part of an unanswered letter from Sweden. I think we ought to reply that a literal acceptance of every resolution by everyone is not necessary but ↑that what is intended is↓ an acceptance of the whole spirit and purpose as reflected in them. Do you agree? In addition I think we ought to formulate a brief statement something like that of the [illegible] Brit. W.I.L. How could this be done? Will you write and let me submit to the Exec. Com. (or all the Section?) for approval? [page 2]

I think we must have some new and clearer arrangements about the circulation of our literature including our organ, and the Congress report. If it all goes through the hands of our sections that is one way. But then it ought to be adequately organized. But if it is to be done direct from the office then it ought to be on a much larger scale than hitherto. The mailing list of the International is [Lilliputian] -- 273! You know how few of our American members knew it existed. I wish that the central office might have lists of the members of the national sections or do you think that would be upsetting?

There are [illegible] three pieces of business of a formal sort: the completion and activation so to speak of the Com. on education. About this Dr. Arnesen has just written me. I am afraid she is going to be pretty slow.

The second is the organization of the Finance Committee which is in Mrs. Larsen's hands.

The third is the appointment of the two [Consultation] members from each section about which I must now write to the National section.

Dr. [Aravantinos] whose friend wrote the letter that you forwarded to me claiming some money writes in some distress to explain that his telegram was completely garbled and [that] he asked his friend to ask you to write a letter for his journal Das Ausland [illegible] which he was to explain [illegible] would of course be paid for. ↑(Added address & [two illegible words] facts)↓

Vilma Glucklich sends us statistics about the enormous increase of infant mortality in Hungary and tells how even in well to do families children have deformed necks from lack of milk. She asks to have condensed milk sent. We got into touch with [page 3] Mad. Ferrière who tells us that while it is possible to send things to Austria [illegible] the Allies do not allow anything at all to enter Hungary. How MONSTROUS it all is! Is there anything that we can do from this office?

[Miss] Leaf has written me announcing a fuller letter to follow about a study of economic conditions in different [countries.] It sounds interesting and if we can make it something practicable worth while. She writes as if she might possibly come and help here for a while. ↑[illegible]↓

To go back to the food question -- that is what one [thinks] of all the time. I know you do and I am hoping that you may really be able to affect a stirring of the waters when you get home. But meanwhile? Are women quite powerless to get the powers to think what it means to prevent milk from going to children in a beaten country which only wants peace.

E B [initialed]