Wilbur Kelsey Thomas to Jane Addams, October 7, 1919


October 7, 1919.

Jane Addams,
Hull House,
800 S. [Halsted] St.,
Chicago, Illinois.

Dear Miss Addams:

Thanks very much for your letter and the check for $2000. and I am very glad to keep this $2000. as a separate account to see if we can get some Cod Liver Oil into Frankfurt. The only provisions that we have been able to get to Frankfurt were 1000 kg of condensed milk. This distribution was reported under date of August 13th by the Deutsche Wohlfahrstelle. I have later had confirmation from Carolena M. Wood that this distribution was actually made.

Money is coming in a little more rapidly now, so that I am sure that there will be no trouble in repaying the $35,000. borrowed for this first purchase. The Relief Committee of the German-American Society of Pennsylvania have decided to turn all of their money over to us, so that this ought to bring us in several thousand dollars. I am enclosing a copy of their [reprint] of your article.

We are acknowledging receipt of the money to the individuals as you suggest.

Yours sincerely,

Executive Secretary.