Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, March 7, 1918

19, Euston St. Brookline, Mass
March, 7, 1918

Dear Miss Addams,

I was glad to receive your letter and enclosures and am happy to say that the New York situation is improving and will not require the services of any one to arbitrate. I saw Miss Eastman in New York and was pleased to learn that she had a good talk with Mrs. Williams at Syracuse. Her board subsequently voted to ask Mrs. W. to be honorary chairman and at Miss Eastman's request, I wrote to Mrs. Williams expressing a hope that she would feel like accepting. Mrs. Williams writes "I am hopeful that we can adjust differences: there were no differences of facts either regarding the calling or the convention, only an utterly different viewpoint. She asked what I might suggest and of course that is now being considered. It is hopeful and I am glad to have talked it over."

I saw Mr. Lochner and advised his withdrawing from the Minimum Program Committee inasmuch as we are being in great danger of losing all our important men by his presence. Prof. [Clark], has resigned, for which I am not so sorry, but I am sorry to lose Dr. Levermore, Mr. Dutton and Mr. Holt. Others like Oscar Straus would also resign if they got wind of it. Personally I think they are very timid and I can not understand it, but it is so, and I should not want to stay and embarrass such an important work ↑if I were Mr. Lochner.↓ Mr. Holt and Judge Wadhams start almost immediately for Europe and Mr. Holt goes to the front. Miss Balch advises Mr. Lochner to remain. Miss Balch and I had a very good talk. She suggests Miss [Breckinridge] as a [page 2] substitute for her on the committee of five as she feels that she must drop out on account of returning to Wellesley. I should like Miss B. I think better than any one else unless you prefer Miss Wald. I do not suppose that Mrs. Kelley has given very much thought to our program and I do [not] know just where she stands, aside from her views on social reform.

I am to meet Mr. Dana, and others this week for discussion of my plan for popular representation at the Peace Conference. Thus far the questionnaire responses have not been very clear or helpful. Most people have not thought out at all the question of nomination.

I am stupendously impressed with the importance of the next Congressional election and that even if we could get 400 fine new men, thirty-five chair men could throttle them all under the present rules.

I trust that you are under balmy skies while I am in a driving snowstorm and that you will not over work but rest as much as possible during your trip.

Our Massachusetts branch yesterday changed its name to League for Permanent Peace and sent appreciative messages to the President for his statement of War Aims.

With best wishes for your safe return,

I remain, yours, faithfully,