Jane Addams to Crystal Eastman, December 19, 1917


December 19th, 1917

My dear Miss Eastman:

I have sent your letter to Mrs. Mead. She knows Mrs. Williams much better than I do and I think is the person to write to her about the position of the Board, namely, that we made a temporary appointment of Mrs. Williams and that a convention should have been called to arrange for a permanent chairman long since. The whole thing has been awfully embarrassing and you have been as patient as possible.

We are planning to have our first meeting of the new Board in New York in January and I shall hope to see you then.

I am sorry not to comply with Mrs. Lane's request but I am sure you will both understand.

Thank you for sending the Indian Nationalist Party statement. It is certainly interesting, and there are so many things in this old world that need [resettling]!

With all the good wishes of the season, I am,

Always affectionately yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]