Lillian D. Wald to Jane Addams, October 1, 1917

October 1, 1917.

Beloved Lady: --

I am so sorry, so very sorry that you are not well, and I long to see you and refresh my soul with your wisdom. I am indeed a great deal better and have had numerous injections so that I think that boils, abscesses and so forth have departed for keeps.

I have had agonizing times with the American Union, the more so that I have been resigning since June 5th, and have quite regularly withdrawn because of the great pressure. Our difficult-to-manage staff has seen what has been so obvious to the older minds and are willing to give in after all the mischief is done. I hope you will read the correspondence and will see the minutes of the last few meetings. I am out and will not be badgered into changing my mind, but it is very hard to be so firm. It is unfortunate that the American Union has suffered from the impulsive acts of some of our staff and the misunderstands that have arisen because of the interlocking directorates. I have been very unhappy over the complications.

I will try to go to see you later in the season if I possibly can. I should so dearly love to spend a few days with you and Mary again.

Affectionately yours,

Miss Jane Addams,
800 So. Halsted Street,
Chicago, Ill.

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