Jane Addams to Louis Paul Lochner, May 7, 1917


May 7th, 1917.

My dear Mr. Lochner: --

The plan you telegraphed me about, of course, interests me very much and the general outline falls in with the plans our Committee has been discussing here. I am very unwilling to have my name used with a group unless I am in constant communication with the plans and changes which must necessarily come in any emergency matter like this. I dislike to refuse anything you ask me to do, but I am sure you realize that when my permission to travel and to attend meetings is so restricted it is better for me to do what work I can nearer at hand. Please send all of your material as soon as it is printed and it is conceivable that we could form a Branch here, although that would have to depend on a great many other people besides myself. There is a nucleus of a little group which has met here several times and is planning for a public meeting in the Auditorium on Sunday afternoon, May 27th. As your plans develop do keep us informed, and it is possible that out of this meeting a similar organization might be formed, if not before.

I am very glad that you are still in New York and have not gone to Florida.

With all good luck to you, I am,

Faithfully yours,

Mr. Louis P. Lochner,
Sec'y. Emergency Peace Federation,
70 West Fifth Avenue,
New York City.

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