Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, April 25, 1901


Illinois Central Railroad Company

My dear Alice

I am waiting at Champaign to catch the through train for Chicago to New Orleans, having come from Springfield where I had an engagement last evening.

I saw Laura yesterday passing [through] Freeport and she said that she had had a letter from you. I hope very much that you are feeling better, when you come in the summer we will go to see Dr Edwards probably the best diagnostician in the city. He did a great deal to comfort me in regard to my "enlarged heart." I have been on a diet all winter and the results are well worth the effort. I reach New Orleans Friday morning and do not get to Chicago until May 6th. [page 2] Quite a little outing  & [rest] and as I will meet Mrs Kelley there we will have some [jollification].

My address there is

c/o Mrs H. H. Carrè
4219 Baronne St
New Orleans --

I speak for the Southern Methodists and she is my hostess.

Hoping that you are coming in June and with much love to Marcet & yourself.

Always your loving sister

Jane Addams

April 25" 1901