Helen Wooster Cooley to Jane Addams, April 23, 1917

Chicago Woman's Club

April 23, 1917.

My dear Miss Addams,

I have just learned through Miss Abeel of your return to Chicago and hasten to extend to you on behalf of the Board of Managers of the Chicago Woman's Club a cordial invitation to be present at a luncheon to be given in the club rooms at half-past twelve on Thursday, April twenty-sixth, to  meet our incoming president, Mrs. Edwin T. Johnson.

To this luncheon the men and women who are working for a better and happier Chicago have been invited, that they may know at the earliest possible moment their new colleague -- our president of whom we are very proud. Because I have especially stressed in my three years of service to the club the value of [cooperation], I have asked a few of our guests to speak for a few minutes (not more than five) on the importance in this city of many organizations, of working-together. May we have [page 2] the inspiration of a few words from you on this subject?

Miss Abeel has doubtless already reported to you that we are arranging for a special meeting of the club to be head in Assembly Hall on Monday, April thirteenth, under the auspices of our Peace Committee, that we may hear a Peace message from you. That such arrangements can be made under my administration is a source of especial gratification to me.

With keen anticipation of the pleasure of having you with us on Thursday, I am,

Very sincerely yours,

Helen W. Cooley