Rose Dabney Forbes to Jane Addams, February 15, 1917


February 15, 1917.

<My dear Miss Addams>

I am enclosing to you a Statement which our Executive Board drew up [today], and which we shall send out tomorrow to our members with four enclosures. This will show you that some of us feel strongly that individuals should act in this crisis not as representing their organization, where there is not unanimity of opinion as to what measures are calculated to advance our Cause at this time.

Mrs. Andrews and I both understand from important sources that a national Referendum will hinder and not help the President in his efforts for Peace and Justice, and we are very much opposed to the Woman's Peace Party urging this measure at this crisis; although of course, every individual from every Peace Party should feel free to join <urge> any emergency measures of <any [organization]. Excuse haste --> [page 2]

<What days of stress we are living through! May Our Father guide us day by day --

I do trust that you are not overtaxing your strength in all this time of anxiety & perplexity. --

Pray excuse this hasty scrawl --

Yours faithfully

Rose D. Malcolm Forbes.>

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