Jane Addams to Myra Harriet Reynolds Linn, February 8, 1917



My dear Myra

Your last two letters were delightful and all seems to be going well with our boy.

I think you are managing awfully well with the finances, please pay every thing connected with the illness and your own living expenses from the Ford money and let me know when it is used up for of course during a [page 2] severe illness one cannot think of the money side. Please keep the fifty dollars whatever Jane's doctor's bill may be -- he has certainly been a success! here's to him!

I hope to hear that the thousand dollars reached you safely.

Could you look up two things for me for Stanley's birthday which I should like to get now so that he could have the use of them at the ranch?

1st a couch with a back, a [page 3] davenport [effect?], a stuffed thing that would be comfortable for him before the fire. I am sure your big room would stand another piece of heavy furniture and it would probably make a great difference in the amount of lying down that he did during his convalescence -- ↑brown linen or [illegible] would be nice or [dainty?] cover.↓

2d a swinging couch with a mattress for the porch, they have nice heavy house ones in the east.

Will you price these two for me in Corona or Los Angeles or better still get [page 4] them and send me the bills. We will call them an advance birthday present.

Please give my dearest love to [him] and to his wife and baby.

With cordial greetings to your father and mother, I am always your loving aunt

Jane Addams

Feb'y 8" 1917

I am still in bed with bronchitis hence this [penciled] letter. I should think you would have to have had ↑[illegible]↓ in the new house