Anna Garlin Spencer to Jane Addams, September 26, 1916

Department of Sociology
Meadville Theological School
Meadville, Pennsylvania

September 26th 1916

My dear Miss Addams

It was a great joy to get a direct word from you. I had planned otherwise for early October but I have hastily rearranged matters so that I can meet you and the National Board in Boston at the office of the Mass. Branch on Saturday the 7th of October. I have the autumn for my free time from teaching but have put so many odds and ends of family and other duties into the time that it promises to be a busy season. I needed for some reasons to delay leaving Meadville until later in October but I feel that the W.P.P., and especially you in relation to it, take precedence of other matters. It will be a great pleasure to see you. I fear you are not as much better as we all wish but slow and sure must be our motto in such [illegible] cases I suppose.

<With love always

Anna Garlin Spencer.>

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