Robert Archey Woods to Jane Addams, May 1, 1916


May 1, 1916.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
800 South Halsted Street,
Chicago, Illinois.

Dear Miss Addams: --

We are all very sorry indeed that you will not be able to be with us in New York.

We are much reassured, however, through the more encouraging reports that have come with regard to your health. I [seem] to note in your letter a kind of confidence that means more than all sorts of gloomy rumors. I hope that you will get a long and substantial rest this summer.

Mrs. Simkhovitch is taking hold of the National Federation of Settlements in a really vigorous and downright way. She sees in it very interesting and important possibilities. I believe that under her leadership it can be developed into something very much worth while. I hope that we can all back her up thoroughly.

The new financial proposal was here, and the response to it from over the country is exceedingly gratifying.

The French effort toward the improvement of social conditions after the war and any similar matter would naturally come before the settlement conference through a committee of which Miss McDowell is a member.

Yours faithfully,

Robt A. Woods [signed]

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