Rosika Schwimmer to Jane Addams, March 12, 1916

Neutral Conference for
Continuous Mediation
Grand Hotel

1916 March 12

Dear Miss Addams,

I wish to introduce to you Mr Ellis O. Jones, who was a faithful and splendid coworker in the Expedition and the N.C. He too is a victim of the ill-will, weakedness and [unreasonableness] that prevails in our affairs. [page 2]

Mr Jones belonged to the circle of fellow-workers who know the inside of the story and is therefore able to give you the real story from the time <when> Lola Lloyd left till now.

Mr Jones witnessed also the pitiful downfall Lochners who is a victim of his <own> conceit. grown into.

I wish also to [recommend] [page 3] Mr Jones as a clever speaker and uncompromising true pacifist.

What a [chain] of tragic coincidences from your [sickness] to the end!

I leave it to those who return to America to give you reports of what has happened.

Most cordially yours

Rosika Schwimmer