Harriet Park Thomas to Jane Addams, February 9, 1916


February 9th, 1916.

My dear Miss Addams:

Mrs. Karsten has mailed you copies of the hearings for which you ask. We had no report of our hearings before the Senate Military Committee and have received no copies from Washington. The hearings before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations is from our stenotype report, but as three copies were made of this, it is not necessary to keep this one on [file], so you may appropriate it. It is possible that Mrs. Allender can secure some printed copies, but she thinks that this hearing was reported for the press only. Also, we have had no copy of the hearing before the Senate Committee on Military Affairs. I think probably the House hearings are the only ones we shall be able to secure. I am sending you a copy of your speech at the Poli Theater as Mrs. Mead wants to include it in the Annual Report. Will you please correct it and return it to Mrs. Mead.

I am sorry to bother you with any of these details, but Mrs. Post and Mrs. Mead are not quite certain which should be included in the Annual Report. I have suggested

A list of Charter Members ([Reprinted] from last year)
Congressional Program
Mrs. Mead's Report
My report (which I now have in good shape)
Miss Breckinridge's report.

(Mrs. Mead wants to include "in considerable detail the discussion on the two constitutional questions that are most prominent as it will greatly help our members who were not present to understand our whole relation to the International and which ought to go on record. Our standing by the principle involved in 'substantial' agreement also needs full record")

Then she is planning to print a brief synopsis of the speeches at the Poli Theater, giving yours in detail. Will you indicate to Mrs. Mead what you wish in connection with this material.

Miss Janet Richards wanted our stenotype report [page 2] printed in full!!!

I did not understand that Mrs. Catt's name as Honorary Chairman was to be omitted. Consequently it appears as before on our new letter-head. Please don't dismiss me from my job, because of this slight mistake! I am working "terrible" hard otherwise.

Always devotedly

Miss Jane Addams,
Antlers Hotel,
Colorado Springs, Colorado.