Cornelia Foster Bradford to Jane Addams, January 17, 1916


Board of Education.


January 17th, 1916.

My dear Miss Addams,

I am sorry to be so late in acknowledging your very kind remembrance of me by sending me at Christmas time your book, The Women at The Hague. Not until yesterday have I found time for reading it, and I did not care to answer it until I knew its contents. Now that I have read it I wish that every one might, who is at all interested in the pacific or military ideas have the opportunity of owning or at least of reading it. I can but believe that in history, the moral force which you women have exerted both at the Conference and later in visiting the various [nationalities] will be recognized and that your efforts to bring about a better understanding will be appreciated. For the present I suppose you must consent to being distorted and misunderstood. The idea which you so plainly set forth of the younger men not wanting war because of the broader ideas, and the spirit of brotherhood, and of a belief in other nations is wonderfully brought forth and I can not see why the public need have gone insane over your statement in Carnegie. Of course the press simply selected, willfully selected I might say, the portion they wanted merely to make trouble. In February when I leave the four years of School Board I shall hope to turn my little influence in pacific directions.

Yours with sincere thanks,

Cornelia Bradford [signed]

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