Sara M. Riggs to Jane Addams, November 4, 1915

1003 Washington St.
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Nov. 4, 1915.
Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill. --

My dear Miss Addams, --

I am writing you to ask if it would be possible for you to come to Cedar Falls some time in December to give an address under the auspices of the Woman's Club especially for the department of political science and history.

The subject in want is "Women and Peace." The regular time set aside for this meeting is December 4th, but we could change the time to suit you. Will you kindly state your price and let me know soon regarding your coming.

The club numbers four-hundred and we have a large school here mostly women. The committee are [page 2] especially anxious to present a strong program on this subject, and we hope, (we fear, however, almost uselessly) that you can and will come.

It is possible to reach here directly so that only one day need be used.

Hoping most earnestly to get a favorable reply, I am

Most sincerely,

(Miss) Sara M. Riggs.

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