Belle van Dorn Frazier Harbert to Jane Addams, November 26, 1915

The American Branch
The International Congress of Farm Women

Manzanola, Colorado, November 26th, 1915

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

My Dear Miss Addams;

Your telegram came and I forwarded a message to President Wilson Thursday Night, as per your request, I see by the papers that you are to go on the Peace Commission invited by Henry Ford. I would so love to go, Permanent Peace is the subject next to my heart today and anything I can do to bring it nearer will be done.

I so wish that Henry Ford knew of my work among the farm women of the world and of my acquaintance with so many of the prominent women of the [belligerent] nations and of their pitiful appeals for peace. I have faith to believe that if he only knew he would have included me in his party, however I will keep on working and perhaps there will be other chances to make good.

I wish you success and I want to [compliment] you on your splendid stand for peace. Your work stands out alone and will always be a monument to your splendid courage.

Again wishing you and all the party a most successful journey I am very cordially.

Belle v'D. Harbert. [signed]

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