Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs to Jane Addams, September 8, 1915


New York Sept. 8th 1915.

Dear Miss Addams, Let me begin to tell you that I arrived here yesterday after a very comfortable journey as a result of your kindness of arranging such a good room in the railway for me.

As you will see from the letters of Rosika & Chrystal Macmillan they both arrived here [today]. They have not received our cablegrams. They have been interviewed, photo'd and everything else, all is in the papers [tonight]. I explained to them the situation here and begged them not to give interviews or not to do anything before they had time to study the situation here in the U.S.A. or before they have seen you. But it did not help; in the short time I was sitting there we were 3 times interrupted by photographers who took [photos] of both of them and reporters who interviewed them.

I received a letter from Miss van Lanschot Hubrecht and one from Emily Hobhouse. Both tell me how Rosika made at that meeting, from which we read the minutes, the Peace Committee pay her expenses. Miss van Lanschot Hubrecht writes, that in the minutes was said that there was so much in cash, but Rosika did not copy, that after her bills were paid, only a small sum was left. Rosika has made all her expenses (also between her first and second visit to Germany and Stockholm) pay by the committee, only by saying that she, as the acting president, had a double vote.

Miss Hobhouse, apart from Miss v. Lanschot [page 2] Hubrecht, writes me in the same sense.

Rosika & Macmillan arrived here in the middle of the day, just in time to attend to the luncheon Miss Anna Shaw gave in honor of Mrs. Quincy Shaw from Boston. After that lunch we had our talk. [Today] I told them my experience, [tomorrow] morning they are coming here to tell me what they have planned to do.

We shall send a letter or telegram to Chicago to tell them there that we are willing to come for a meeting some day after this week or next week.

Although Miss Hobhouse's letter is a private one to me, I believe she would not mind you reading it; therefore I include it and hope you will return it to me. You will better judge if you have read it, then when I tell you all what is in it.

Miss van Lanschot Hubrecht writes a Dutch letter. She writes that the report was not finished, Macmillan only had gone over the first correction and in a very nervous way, so that there is much work left undone and she and Miss Hobhouse have to do it all. She never believes it will come out well done.

I hope you are feeling every day better and are growing stronger and that you will and can come here to see these two firebrands.

With love to you and your two nice friends, Miss Smith and Miss Wald,

Affectionately yours

Aletta H. Jacobs.