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  • Mentions: McClure's Magazine

Salomon asks Addams for help securing writing jobs with American periodicals.

Lazareff writes to Blackwell while sailing to Europe about bolshevism, communism, socialis and democracy m in Russia.

Poole requests Addams's help in his work with the Foreign Press Bureau. Poole explains the role educators of all nations have in the aftermath of war.

Addams consults Breckinridge about a conference later in the month and articles she is writing for McClure's Magazine.
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Addams discusses the association in the public eye between settlements and immigrants and when immigrants are involved in high profile crimes, settlements are accused of supporting anarchism. Addams defends the role of the settlement as the bridge between immigrant communities and the American public, holding that it does not change in times of crisis.

Mackenzie asks Addams for a meeting to discuss his idea for a new department at McClure Magazine to which she might contribute.

Addams sends Polacheck a photograph. Addams has also read Polacheck's manuscript and believes that the work would reach more people in a regular magazine.

Lewis criticizes a source Addams used for one of her articles in McClure's Magazines. 

Addams declines Johnson's invitation to write an article for The Century, but asks if Johnson will publish an open letter about the role of settlements as benevolent institutions.

Bok writes Addams about a publishing a version of a series of articles she prepared for the Progressive Party campaign.

Lillie praises Addams on her recent articles in McClure's Magazine.

Bowers praises Addams' latest book, but offers a couple of points of constructive criticism.

Bush laments that Addams mischaracterized the military's venereal disease problem in her article and offers his opinion on the subject.

McClure apologizes to Addams for the delay in his company's payment for her series of articles in McClure's Magazine.

Brooks praises Addams' article on prostitution and then asks for assistance in relocating to Chicago to run her health business.

McClure praises the success of Addams' recent series of articles in his magazine and then asks her for more articles.

Clarke praises Addams' series of articles in McClure's Magazine and shares the three principles she employs in her work with unmarried mothers.

Boyd praises Addams for her McClure's articles on prostitution and boasts about his some of his own work for the common good.

Morrow invites Addams to speak about prostitution at a meeting of the American Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis in April.

Van Horn corrects an error in Addams' recent article in McClure's Magazine about the age of consent in Wyoming.

Breckinridge writes Addams about meeting times in Philadelphia and Washington and mentions a report from the Bureau of Labor that she sent to Addams.

Harris asks Addams's advice about creating a series of lectures on vice and its causes.

Abbott writes Addams to offer a gentle criticism of her negative use of the word "cadet" in her McClure's articles.

Addams shares her horror over the execution of the defendants in the Fred Guelzow murder, provides Smith with a progress report on her writing, comments on two novels she has read, and shares her longing for Smith's presence.

Addams writes Persons about the limitations of a new Illinois law to provide aid for poor parents with children.